What is what3words exactly?

What3words is a really easy way to identify precise locations. Every 3-metre square in the world has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address.
What3words addresses are often more precisely than street addresses. In the future, there will be an unique what3words entrance address for each one of our unique Best Western Hotels.
You have found the what3words entrance address for your Best Western Hotel? Then you can let yourself get navigated to the exact entrance of your Best Western Hotel, via your favorite navigation app.
We want your holiday to begin already during your arrival.
Where can the addresses be found?

In future, we will offer you the exact entrance address for each of our unique hotels in the form of a what3words address.
What do the addresses look like?
The what3words addresses will always appear in the same design: ///word.word.word
Beside our website, you will also find the what3words addresses in the future:
- In your booking confirmation
- On our blog
Using what3words

When you click on the what3words hotel entrance address which is presented to you, we will redirect you to the what3words homepage.
From here you can see the exact location, similar to Google Maps.
You can easily copy the what3words entrance address and the corresponding link and share them with others.
Under "Directions" you can open the entrance address via your favourite navigation app. From there, you can navigate to the selected location as usual.

You can use what3words via the free what3words app for iOS and Android. The app is already available in over 45 languages. It also works offline. So you can use all functions of the app and without expensive data roaming charges.
- Download the free what3words app
- Look for three unique words in the format ///word.word.word on our website or in your booking confirmation.
- Click on the three words or enter them into the what3words app search bar. Tap „navigate“ to open and use your favorite navigation app.
You can find more information and tips on using the what3words app here.

"At Best Western, we are known for our passion for hospitality. Our family of brands meets you with diversity and the service in your Best Western Hotel is always sincere and personal. You can rely on this from the moment you receive your booking confirmation. From now on you will get a unique three-word address for each of our unique Best Western Hotels. This way we can ensure you that every exact hotel entrance can be easily found. For your stress-free holiday start - already during your arrival."
Your search has ended

We want you to be able to find us easily. Therefore, in the future we will additionally offer you a what3words address for all Best Western Hotel entrances, which is accurate within 3 by 3 metres. These addresses are often much more presicely than the known postal addresses.
We want you to start as relaxed as possible, already during your arrival to our Best Western Hotels. Be sure that you will arrive exactly where you want to go!
Your favorite place

We all have these favorite places, which are located far from any daily stress. Often those places are located very isolated. But how will you find those precious places a second time? A postal address is often not preciously enough, to do so.
This is where the what3words addresses come into play. With the help of the unique three words, you can mark any place, no matter how hidden they may be.
We want you to be able to make our favourite places to yours in the future. The many insider tips around and on our Best Western Hotel properties are just waiting to be discovered by you.
Your help in emergencies

The what3words addresses are not only suitable for marking the beautiful moments in life. Especially at isolated places of excursions, one often asks oneself how best to communicate one's current location in case of emergency.
What3words has also recognized this problem and is constantly expanding its cooperation with rescue services in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Here you can look up the currently listed rescue services that already work with what3words.
At Best Western, we sincerely care about your safety and health. With what3words you come to us safely and accurately. Be it from home or from a day trip.